Register or Sign Into e-FOIA PAL
Register for e-FOIA PAL by clicking on the New User? Click here to Register link above. The benefits of registering as a user are:
- You can submit your request online to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC);
- You can track electronically the latest updates of your request;
- You will be able to send messages, as well as receive messages electronically from the CPSC's Freedom of Information (FOI) staff;
- You can upload correspondence, such as a Request Description, a Fee Waiver Request, and/or an Expedite Processing Request, into your request folder; and
- You can download the requested material from the e-FOIA PAL portal.
You must be registered to sign into e-FOIA PAL. Enter your user name/password above and click on the Sign In button.